Sunday, October 31, 2010

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Antique Photo Frames with Ornaments

Antique Photo Frames with Ornaments
119 JPEG | 704x1024 | 65 MB

ncesoft Flip Book Maker v2.5.0 WINALL Cracked-DJiNN

ncesoft Flip Book Maker v2.5.0 WINALL Cracked-DJiNN | 21.19 MB

Ncesoft Flip Book Maker software is an easy to use yet powerful 3d flipping book software that allows convert pdf to flipping book, create your own professional and gorgeous digital photo book, 3d flipping book, christmas flip book, kid flip book, wedding flip book, birthday flip book, flip album, video magazine. With Flip Book Maker, you won't need any flash programming skills, only import your photos, flv, swf, pdf, and then choose the theme templates from a variety of preset Flip Book Maker (include birthday template, wedding template, christmas template, kid template, holiday templates), the final publish.

Internet Download Manager 6.03 Beta Build 3 Portable

Internet Download Manager 6.03 Beta Build 3 Portable | 6.18 Mb

Internet Download Manager has a smart download logic accelerator that features intelligent dynamic file segmentation and safe multipart downloading technology to accelerate your downloads. Unlike other download accelerators and managers that segment files before downloading starts, Internet Download Manager segments downloaded files dynamically during download process. Internet Download Manager reuses available connections without additional connect and login stages to achieve better acceleration performance. Internet Download Manager supports proxy servers, ftp and http protocols, firewalls, redirects, cookies, authorization, MP3 audio and MPEG video content processing. IDM integrates seamlessly into Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, MSN Explorer, AOL, Opera, Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Firebird, Avant Browser, MyIE2, and all other popular browsers to automatically handle your downloads. You can also drag and drop files, or use Internet Download Manager from command line. Internet Download Manager can dial your modem at the set time, download the files you want, then hang up or even shut down your computer when it's done.

Main Features:

• All popular browsers and applications are supported! Internet Download Manager has been tested with the following browsers: Internet Explorer, MSN Explorer, AOL, Netscape Communicator, Netscape 6, Netscape 7, Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Firebird, Opera, NetCaptor, UltraBrowser, Slim Browser, Avant Browser, MyIE2, Optimal Desktop, Ace Explorer, Advanced Browser, 27 Tools-in-1 Wichio Browser, WindowSurfer, 550 Access Browser, FineBrowser Freeware, Kopassa Browser, Fast Browser Pro, Enigma Browser, GoSuRF, K-Meleon, Smart Explorer, The Off By One Web Browser, Smartalec Voyager, CrystalPort AppCapture, The Family Browser, XANA Web Browser, Bluto, AutoSurf, 32bit Web Browser, BrowseMan, WrestlingBrowser, Eminem Browser, UltraBrowser, Cygsoft LDAP Browser, and Net M@nager. Internet Download Manager supports all versions of popular browsers, and can be integrated into any 3rd party Internet applications.
• Easy downloading with one click. When you click on a download link in a browser, IDM will take over the download and accelerate it. IDM supports HTTP, FTP, HTTPS and MMS protocols.
• Download Speed Acceleration. Internet Download Manager can accelerate downloads by up to 5 times due to its intelligent dynamic file segmentation technology. Unlike other download managers and accelerators Internet Download Manager segments downloaded files dynamically during download process and reuses available connections without additional connect and login stages to achieve best acceleration performance.
• Download Resume. Internet Download Manager will resume unfinished download from the place where they left off.
• YouTube grabber. Internet Download Manager can grab FLV videos from popular sites like YouTube, MySpaceTV, and Google Video.
• Simple installation wizard. Quick and easy installation program will make necessary settings for you, and check your connection at the end to ensure trouble free installation of Internet Download Manager
• Drag and Drop. You may simply drag and drop links to IDM, and drag and drop downloaded files out of Internet Download Manager.
• Automatic Antivirus checking. Antivirus checking makes your downloads free from viruses and trojans.
• Advanced Browser Integration. When enabled, the feature can be used to catch any download from any application. None of download managers have this feature.
• Built-in Scheduler. Internet Download Manager can connect to the Internet at a set time, download the files you want, disconnect, or shut down your computer when it's done.
• IDM includes web site spider and grabber. IDM downloads all required files that are specified with filters from web sites, for example all pictures from a web site, or subsets of web sites, or complete web sites for offline browsing. It's possible to schedule multiple grabber projects to run them once at a specified time, stop them at a specified time, or run periodically to synchronize changes.
• IDM supports many types of proxy servers. For example, IDM works with Microsoft ISA, and FTP proxy servers.
• IDM supports main authentication protocols: Basic, Negotiate, NTLM, and Keberos. Thus IDM can access many Internet and proxy servers using login name and password.
• Download All feature. IDM can add all downloads linked to the current page. It's easy to download multiple files with this feature.
• Customizable Interface. You may choose the order, and what buttons and columns appear on the main IDM window.
• Download Categories. Internet Download Manager can be used to organize downloads automatically using defined download categories.
• Quick Update Feature. Quick update may check for new versions of IDM and update IDM once per week.
• Download limits. Progressive downloading with quotas feature. The feature is useful for connections that use some kind of fair access policy (or FAP) like Direcway, Direct PC, Hughes, etc.
• IDM is multilingual. IDM is translated to Albanian, Arabic, Azerbaijan, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Farsi, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Thai, Turkish, and Uzbek languages.

Internet Download Manager 6.0 beta (Fixed compatibility problems with different browsers including Google Chrome. Improved FLV grabber to save videos from web players on YouTube, Google Video, MySpace TV, and other popular sites)
* Added full support for Windows Vista, WOW! YouTube, Google Video, MySpaceTV, IE7 and Firefox.

Collection of the frames 16

Collection of the frames 16
100 frames | png | minimum 1772 x 1181 | archive 272 Mb

Friday, October 29, 2010

GMapCatcher Portable

GMapCatcher Portable | 13.8 Mb

GMapCatcher is online/offline maps viewer enables you to view download map tiles from a variety of providers, including Google, Yahoo, OpenStreetMaps and others. You can download your maps and save them to your local hard drive, which allows you to browse your saved locations even while you are offline. Other features include support for zooming, custom markers, adjustable map sizes and export to PNG image.

GMapCatcher is an offline maps viewer. It downloads CloudMade, OpenStreetMap or Google Map tiles automatically, display them using a specific GUI.

User can view the maps while offline. GMapCatcher doesn't depend on google-map's java scripts so it should work even if google changes them. It also provides a downloading tool. 

Give GMapCatcher a try to see what it's all about!

What's New in This Release:

· Complete the Export Image tool
· Fix Google's URL pattern
· Add Yahoo Hybrid
· Change Download Queue to "Last In First Out"
· Fix zoom level after search

Qivx Integral Scientist Periodic Table 3.13 Portable

Qivx Integral Scientist Periodic Table 3.13 Portable | 7.43 Mb

A complete Periodic Table of the Elements for the web and a demonstration of Integral Scientist Periodic Table for Windows.


Data for 112 discovered and 6 theoretical elements 
Six interactive periodic table styles

[Modern, Bayley, Extended, Octet, Electron, Quantum 3D] 
Instant selection of an element and update of data. 
Five detailed information screens

[General, Physical, Chemical, Nuclear, Energy] 
98 element property & information fields
32 data fields display multiple values.
Graphical display of shells and orbitals 
Comparison graphing of multiple properties
Property searching on multiple values 
Element selection from any data screen
Searching by name, symbol or number
Custom design of printed reports

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Frame Photo Editor v5.0.2 Portable

Frame Photo Editor v5.0.2 Portable | 11.7 Mb

Frame Photo Editor - Easily Enhance Your Pictures & Desktop, Make Your Pictures Unique. Frame Photo Editor is a digital photo & desktop enhancement software. With it, you can easily blend your digital photo onto another picture or photo to create unique effect. You can also add flowers, cartoon pictures, or pretty frame onto your pictures with it.

Key features included:
1) Hundreds of masks for you to choose, which create special effect on your photo
2) Many kinds of clips onto your photo
3) Add text comments onto your photo
4) Add frames onto your photo
5) Save and restore photo

Barcodes Vector Mix

Barcodes Vector Mix
2 EPS | + Preview | 12.3 Mb

15 Anugerah ALLAH Beri Kepada Wanita Yang Tiada Pada Lelaki

1. Pada suatu ketika di Madinah, Rasulullah s.a.w. keluar mengiringi jenazah. Baginda dapati beberapa orang wanita dalam majlis tersebut. lalu Baginda bertanya, “Adakah kamu menyembahyangkan mayat?” Jawab mereka,”Tidak” Sabda Baginda “Seeloknya kamu sekalian tidak perlu ziarah dan tidak ada pahala bagi kamu. Tetapi tinggallah di rumah dan berkhidmatlah kepada suami nescaya pahalanya sama dengan ibadat kaum orang lelaki.

2. Wanita yang memerah susu binatang dengan ‘Bismillah’ akan didoakan oleh binatang itu dengan doa keberkatan.

3. Wanita yang menguli tepung gandum dengan ‘Bismillah’, Allah akan berkatkan rezekinya.

4. Wanita yang menyapu lantai dengan berzikir akan mendapat pahala seperti menyapu lantai di Baitullah ( Kaabah).

5. “Wahai Fatimah, untuk setiap wanita yang mengeluarkan peluh ketika membuat roti, Allah akan membinakan 7 parit di antara dirinya dengan api neraka, jarak di antara parit itu ialah sejauh langit dan bumi.”

6. “Wahai Fatimah, bagi setiap wanita yang memintal benang, Allah akan mencatatkan untuknya perbuatan baik sebanyak utas benang yang dibuat dan memadamkan seratus perbuatan jahat.”

7. “Wahai Fatimah, untuk setiap wanita yang menganyam akan benang dibuatnya, Allah telah menentukan satu tempat khas untuknya di atas tahta di hari akhirat.”

8. “Wahai Fatimah, bagi setiap wanita yang memintal benang dan kemudian dibuat pakaian untuk anak-anaknya maka Allah akan mencatit baginya ganjaran sama seperti orang yang memberi makan kepada 1000 orang lapar dan memberi pakaian kepada 1000 orang yang tidak berpakaian.”

9. “Wahai Fatimah, bagi setiap wanita yang meminyakkan rambut anaknya, menyikatnya, mencuci pakaian mereka dan mencuci akan diri anaknya itu, Allah akan mencatatkan untuknya pekerjaan baik sebanyak helai rambut mereka dan memadamkan sebanyak itu pula pekerjaan jahat dan menjadikan dirinya kelihatan berseri di mata orang-orang yang memerhatikannya.”

10. Sabda Nabi s.a.w. : ” Ya Fatimah setiap wanita meminyakkan rambut dan janggut suaminya, memotong misai dan mengerat kukunya, Allah akan memberi minum kepadanya dari sungai-sungai serta diringankan Allah baginya sakaratul maut dan akan didapatinya kuburnya menjadi sebuah taman daripada taman-taman syurga dan dicatatkan Allah baginya kelepasan dari api neraka dan selamatlah ia melintas Titian Shiratul Mustaqim.”

11. Jika suami mengajarkan atau menerangkan kepada isterinya satu masalah agama atau dunia  dia akan mendapat pahala 80 tahun ibadat.

12. Wanita yang menyebabkan suaminya keluar dan berjuang ke jalan Allah dan kemudian menjaga adab rumahtangganya akan masuk syurga 500 tahun lebih awal daripada suaminya, akan menjadi ketua 70,000 malaikat dan bidadari dan wanita itu akan dimandikan di dalam syurga dan menunggu kedatangan suaminya dengan menunggang kuda yang diperbuat daripada permata yakut.

13. Semua orang akan dipanggil untuk melihat wajah Allah di akhirat, tetapi Allah akan datang sendiri kepada wanita yang memberati auratnya iaitu memakai purdah di dunia ini dengan istiqamah. Dunia ini adalah perhiasan dan sebaik-baik perhiasan ialah wanita (isteri) yang solehah.

14. Salah satu tanda keberkatan wanita itu ialah cepat perkahwinannya, cepat pula kehamilannya dan ringan pula maharnya (mas kahwin).

15. Sebaik-baik wanita ialah wanita (isteri) yang apabila engkau memandang kepadanya ia menggembirakan kamu, jika engkau memerintahnya  ia  mentaati perintah tersebut  dan jika engkau bermusafir dia menjaga harta engkau dan dirinya. Maksud hadis: Dunia yang paling aku sukai ialah wanita solehah.

Folder Guard Professional 8.3 Portable

Folder Guard Professional 8.3 Portable | 5.50 Mb

Folder Guard Professional is a powerful computer security software that you can use to control access to files, folders, and other Windows resources, such as Control Panel, Start Menu, and so on. You can use Folder Guard to lock your personal files and folders with passwords, to stop other users from peeking into your records. You can even completely hide your private folders from virtually all applications, and such folders would remain invisible until you enter a valid password. You can also protect sensitive system files from modification or destruction, disable access to the removable drives, restrict access to Control Panel, and more.

Folder Guard Professional Edition for Windows Vista, XP, 2000, Server (both 32-bit and 64-bit)
This edition combines the 32-bit and x64 editions of Folder Guard in one convenient package. When installed on the 32-bit versions of Windows it offers the same functionality as Folder Guard 32-bit Edition. When installed on the x64 versions of Windows, it works in the same way as Folder Guard x64 Edition. The older MS-DOS-based releases of Windows (such as Windows, 95, 98, Me) are NOT supported by this edition.

Why should you choose Folder Guard:

>> Folder Guard lets you password protect your files and folders.
You can protect with password virtually any folder or file, allowing only the authorized users to open the protected files or folders. You can protect an unlimited number of files and folders, each with its own password, or you can use the Master Password of Folder Guard to unprotect them all at once.

>> Folder Guard can hide your personal folders from other users.
You can set up Folder Guard to hide your private folders (or make them appear empty). The folder would be hidden from virtually any program, including Windows Explorer, Office, MS-DOS programs, etc.

>> Folder Guard can restrict access to Control Panel, Start Menu, Desktop, etc.
You can set up Folder Guard to allow only certain users to change the computer settings with Control Panel, while denying that to other users. You can control access to various settings of Start Menu, Desktop, Taskbar, and other Windows resources. You can remove the Run and Search commands on the Start menu, hide specific drives, lock the Internet settings, and more.

>> Folder Guard can protect access to the floppy, CD-ROM and other removable drives
You can configure Folder Guard to allow or deny access to the removable drives, restricting the user's ability to run or install unauthorized programs on your computer.

>> Folder Guard is suitable for a wide range of the computer security tasks.
You can stop other users of your computer from peeking into your personal files. You can protect the system files and folders from destruction by cyber-vandals. You can allow specific users to run a program while deny it to others. You can allow users to use the removable drives to store their documents while prevent them from running unauthorized programs from the removable disks.

>> Folder Guard protects your files without encrypting them.
There is no risk of losing your documents if you lose your encryption key: with Folder Guard all your files remain intact, without modification of any kind.

>> Folder Guard lets you quickly enable or disable the protection via a "hot key".
You can choose a specific keyboard combination as the hot key of Folder Guard, to be able to quickly enable or disable the protection of your computer. Of course, the "hot key" is protected with your password, too, only you can use it!

>> Folder Guard can operate in the "stealth mode".
You can set up Folder Guard to operate in the stealth mode, to hide its own files and shortcuts from being seen by other users. You would still be able to control Folder Guard via the "hot key".

>> Folder Guard supports easy recovery in case of emergency.
If you forget your password, or experience other problems, simply use the Emergency Recovery Utility (free download) to quickly restore access to your protected folder.

>> Folder Guard works with drives of any format.
If your computer can handle it, Folder Guard can protect it. You don't have to format your hard drive with the NTFS file system: Folder Guard can protect files and folders on both NTFS and FAT/FAT32 disks.

>> Folder Guard runs on a wide range of Windows platforms.
From Windows 2000 to Windows XP to Windows Vista and later, with all service packs and hotfixes, all are supported by at least one of the available editions of Folder Guard.

>> Folder Guard is easy to use.
Folder Guard sports one of the most intuitive user interfaces, that makes it easy to use for both novice users and computer professionals.

>> Folder Guard "speaks" plain English.
You don't have to be a computer professional to understand how to use Folder Guard. The Quick Start Wizard can guide you through the steps necessary to set up the password protection of your personal folders. Folder Guard Advisor warns you about situations that may require your attention and offers possible workarounds. Folder Guard User's Guide describes its commands and operation in plain English, without "pseudo-techno" or "geeky" talk. (And it does not baby-sit you either).

>> Folder Guard is not a toy.
Folder Guard is used by large corporations and small businesses, schools and police departments, universities and correctional facilities, libraries and hospitals (to name a few).

>> Folder Guard is widely used.
Hundreds of thousands of copies of Folder Guard have been downloaded by computer users from virtually all countries of the world.

>> Folder Guard offers the best value for the money.
None of our competitors offers a product that would come close to Folder Guard.

>> Folder Guard is flexible.
Although Windows lets you restrict access to folders located on a NTFS drives, it cannot hide them. With Folder Guard, you can not only restrict access to, but also hide folders, or make them look empty. Unlike Windows, Folder Guard lets you protect only some files within a folder, and keep the rest of the files visible and accessible, if you wish. Or, you can protect files and folders each with its own individual password, and then unlock them separately from each other (Windows cannot do that).

>> Folder Guard can be used with other disk tools.
You can designate your anti-virus and other disk maintenance tools to be the "trusted" programs, to make them able to work with your protected disks without restrictions.

>> Folder Guard is extensible.
You can fine-tune the access rules to the files and folders of your computer by creating appropriate filters.

>> Folder Guard will save you hours of learning time.
You don't have to learn how to use the Group Policies, user groups, Access Control Lists, privileges, and other built-in security features of Windows, because Folder Guard does the hard work for you: its visual and intuitive user interface lets you manage the restrictions with ease.

>> Folder Guard is actively maintained.
Since its first release back in 1997, we've been continuously extending, enhancing, and improving Folder Guard. Now in version 7.92, Folder Guard gives you more power than ever.

WinAVI All-In-One Converter Portable

WinAVI All-In-One Converter Portable | 15.2 Mb

WinAVI All-In-One Converter - сonvert video/audio files among popular formats! All-In-One Converter is the best video converter for converting videos and output DVD formats. Converting almost all videos and audios to play them in PC , Portable media players, iPod and so on. WinAVI All-In-One Video Converter is a best and fast video converter for convert videos among popular formats like AVI, MPEG1/2, MP4, WMV, FLV, MOV, VCD/DVD,, XviD/Divx, 3GP, etc., and support converting to MP3, WMA, WAV.

Why choose WinAVI All-In-One Converter ?

High speed
· It includes ZJMedia's AV compress engine, which is state of the art technology;
· 4X speed than other video converter;
· 4G movie only need 10 minutes.

High quality video and Dolby AC3 5.1 audio

· AV compress engine will give you a high quality in very fast conversion;
· Converted files has a Dolby AC3 5.1 audio.

Supports almost all popular format conversions

· Input video formats: AVI, WMV, RMVB, RM, ASF, FLV,, MOV, QT, MP4, DV, 3GP, 3G2, DAT, MPG, MPEG, VOB, MKV, F4V
· Input audio formats: WAV, RA, WMA, MP3, MP2, MKA, AAC, AC3, AIFF, AMR, M4A, AU
· Output Device: iPod, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Mobile Phones, PSP, PS3, Xbox, Pocket PC, Windows Mobile, BlackBerry, Archos, iRiver PMP

With just one click to convert

· User-friendly interface that it is easily operated by anyone;
· All conversions can be done easily and smoothly. 
· It is easy to use for the beginner as well as having advanced functions for the professional user.

What's New

1. Support converting Video/Audio: 
Video Formats: WMV, ASF, AVI, RMVB, FLV, RM, MOV, QT, MP4, M4V, DV, 3GP, 3G2, DAT, MPG, MPEG, VOB, FLV, MKV, MTS, M2TS, F4V ; 
Audio Formats: AAC, AC3, AIFF, AMR, M4A, MP2multimedia, MP3, OGG, RA, AU, WAV, WMA, MKA, FLAC 
2. Support converting Video/Audio to devices: 
Such as iPad, iPod, Zune, iPhone, Apple TV, PSP, PS3, Blackberry, Xbox 360, Archos, iRiver, Motorola, Creative Zen, MP4/MP3 Player, Smart Phone, Pocket PC, Mobile Phone, etc. 
3. Support DVD/VCD output: allowing output as HD AVI, HD WMV, HD MPEG2, etc. 
4. Support High-Definition video conversione : Burning VCD /SVCD/DVD 
5. Personalize videos by editing and appending effects 
Set the video effects thourgh adjusting the brightness, contrast and screen rotating of video; 
Crop the video size and set the aspect ratio; 
Trim or split your favorite part from the video by setting the start part and the end part. 
6. Customize the subtitles of your own style :Color , Font style, Size 
7. Easy, quick and convenient to convert 
The intuitive interface and drag-and-drop functionality enable you to finish the conversion only with a few clicks, even if you are a beginner and do not know the video specifications, you can also convert easily only with choosing the correct device; 
High quality and smooth screen with super fast conversion speed, converting a 4G DVD movie only within ten minutes while a 20 sets TV series only needs one needn't wait for a long time. 
8.Support batch conversion.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

7 tool terbaik untuk dapatkan data yang hilang atau terdelete(Data Recovery Tools)

assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera kepada semua blogger and pembaca yang sudi jenguk2 blog Dc ne yer. hari ne Dc nak kongsi ilmu sikit dgn korang semua yer..masalah hilang or terdelete file-file penting or assignment or ape2 jer la yang korang sayang dalam lappy or PC membuatkan korang tension disini ada beberapa jenis software yang boleh kembalikan data korang.

1 TestDisk (Windows/Mac/Linux)

TestDisk adalah tool yang mampu untuk memulihkan data korang. Tidak hanya dapat melakukan TestDisk pemulihan seperti menghapus file secara tidak sengaja dari FAT, NTFS, ext2 dan file sistem, tetapi mempunyai fungsi tambahan yang lain.
Dengan TestDisk koramg dapat memulihkan boot sektor,mengembalikan boot sektor, memperbaiki table FAT, memperbaiki MFT, menemukan backup ext2/ext3 superblock, menemukan partisi yang hilang dengan banyak format yang dapat membantu korang mencari data yang hilang.

2 Recuva (Windows)

Recuva adalah tool yang mesra pengguna berasaskan Windows.
Sewaktu korang menggunakan Recuva, korang leh dapatkan fail yang hilang dengan menu file-recovery wizard atau the application’s manual mode.
File-recovery wizard ini berguna jika korang yakin data korang dah tiada tapi korang tidak cukup yakin di kemana hilangnya atau cara untuk mendapatkannya kembali.
Wizard ni dapat digunakan untuk mengecilkan pencarian korang untuk jenis gambar, muzik, dokumen, video, atau semua fail, dan korang boleh menyusun lokasi pencarian di komputer korang seperti di removable media, My Documents, Recycle Bin, atau lokasi tertentu .

3 PhotoRec (Windows/Mac/Linux)

PhotoRec adalah pelengkap program TestDisk. Seperti TestDisk, tool cukup kuat untuk membuat recovery file.
Ramai pengguna lebih suka PhotoRec sebagai alternatif yang lebih aman apabila dalam pemulihan, disk tidak diperlukan.
PhotoRec merupakan tool canggih yang cepat dan aman untuk menyalin fail yang korang padamkan ke disk yang lain.

4 Restoration (Windows)

Restoration hanya bersaiz kecil, tanpa tool tambahan dan merupakan portable.Namun,tool ini berupaya memulihkan fail-fail yang hilang dalm sistem operasi windows korang.
Restoration memiliki kemampuan untuk mennyusun parameter fail seperti ukuran dan nama file.

5 Undelete Plus (Windows)

Undelete Plus ini bekerja pada semua versi Windows dandari FAT dan NTFS sistem fail.
Seperti Recuva, Undelete Plus memberikan recovery kemungkinan untuk mecari fail-fail yang crash/rosak.
Korang boleh mencari fail berdasarkan jenisnya, menyusun filter berdasarkan waktu dan ukuran serta dapat menghasilkan struktur folder tetap sewaktu korang selesai melakukan recovery file.

6 GetDataBack

GetDataBack mampu memulihkan data korang jika hard drive’s partition table, boot record, FAT / MFT atau direktori root hilang atau crash/rosak, data yang telah hilang akibat serangan virus, drive yg telah diformat, kegagalan sistem crash, fail yang hilang. 

 7 PC Inspector File Recovery

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Oxford English Dictionary Portable

Oxford English Dictionary Portable | 7.5 MB

This is the revised version of the CD-ROM for the world-famous Concise Oxford English Dictionary, 11th Edition. It contains over 240,000 words, phrases, and definitions, including all the latest new words. It offers rich vocabulary coverage, with full treatment of World English, rare, historical, and archaic terms, as well as scientific and technical vocabulary, and provides hundreds of helpful notes on grammar and usage. This CD-ROM offers full-text search functionality, instant look-up from Windows documents, including email and the Web, high-quality spoken pronunciations for thousands of words, and interactive educational word games, making it ideal for family use as well as for homework and school use.

New to this edition is a fascinating ???English Uncovered??? supplement, revealing findings from the billion-word Oxford English Corpus and the behind-the-scenes dictionary research program. Find out how new words and meanings emerge, which are the most common words, and how the language is changing.
This dictionary also contains full appendices on topics such as alphabets, currencies, electronic English, and the registers of language, from formal to slang, plus a useful Guide to Good English with advice on grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

Requirements:Windows 2000 / XP / VISTA /WINDOW 7 
Languages: en-US

Install Notes :

1. Unpack with using any archiver
2. Direct Run Application
3. Enjoy

Frames for Photos by Galina V

Frames for Photos by Galina V
15 png | 3626x2409 | 300 dpi | 51 MB

Awesome 2d and 3d graphics

поле золотоеКопия squigglesКопия making_wavesКопия inside-my-broken-heartКопия Flaming_FractalКопия EyeКопия colorfulКопия archimedes_dream_img001
Копия Amethyst-Копия 1600x1200_HD_Wallpaper_124_zixpkcomZranione_Serce love bandage Копия -pink-heartКопия Xws_Messed_up_vector_1152x8641wp_120393 yellow stars